The Uxkhal Basin and its regional overlords

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The overview map

The Uxkhal Basin and the regional lords in color.

(Red) Duke of Uxkhal

The lands and holdings of the duke of Uxkhal

Fertile, rich and bountiful, the Duchy of Uxkhal has long acted as Swadia's main provider of grain and wheat, helping feed the ill-supplied swamps, forests and fishing villages of western Praven. Home to chivalrous displays of gallantry and honour, Uxkhalians are notably flowery and are distinguished in the gentlemanly arts of hunting, jousting, melee, feasting - although often trumped in this by the Pravenites - celebrating and the general lavishing of oneself in the profession of art-making. They are laughed at by the rest of Calradia, perhaps notably so by their northern brothers in Suno. Uxkhal and the court of its duke has become the home of dozens of exiled Dhirimite lords and notables, as well as delegates of much impoverished Swadian landowners who have been enslaved under the Vaegir yolk, who continuously attempt to petition the duke and his magistrates for money and men and lands and titles in an attempt to reestablish themselves in free Swadia.

(Olive Green) Count of Ergellon

The lands and holdings of the count of Ergellon One of the key bastions that guard the weak entrance into the Veluca Valley, Ergellon is a fertile and wet land - taking the brunt of much of the weather that flows down from the north. Inhabited by the largest proportion of Highlanders and Yalenites in Veluca, the rest of the valley's notion of Ergellon is one of unwashed clans of western barbarians and hollow-toothed sheep peddlers. This is not necessarily true, however, for the large and sprawling town of Ergellon is home to a Swado-Rhodok mercantile elite which often helps fund trade expeditions, art projects and the construction and development of public works in the region. It is thanks to this ring of noble families in Ergellon that the region has recently come to be known as the home of art and culture in northern Rhodokia.

(Green) Count of Grunwalder

The lands and holdings of the count of Grunwalder Ruled over by the descendants of the revolutionary hero Grunwalder, the aptly named County of Grunwalder is a mountainous and hill-dotted land, home to shepherds and animal cultivators. The militarization of Grunwalder County in the lead up to the intervention of the Rhodoks in the Second Vaegir Invasion has yet to end, in fact only growing and continuing, as soldiers and mercenaries and outlaws from the rest of the country flood into the region seeking work as professional troops in the count's armies. Those denied oft turn to banditry, and this has savaged the poor territories and fiefs owned by the count. Grunwalder is a practical warzone, as such, of outlaws, Swadian partisans, rogue mercenaries and county troops.

(Greyish Green) Count of Tshibitin

The lands and holdings of the count of Tshibitin One of the major Swadian centers of influence seized by the Rhodoks during the Second Vaegir Invasion was Tshbitin. This land was granted to a Jelkalan lord, sworn directly to the king as opposed to the Duke of Veluca, and much of its land has now been seized and redistributed to Jelkalan farmers. Even the thriving minority of Velucan traders has almost been chased out by the aggressive new Jelkalans, and the county is a tinderbox of ethnic tension between the Swadians, Velucans and Jelkalans. Much of the eastern part of the county has been seized by the powerful and influential Margrave d'Arvella, one of the local leaders of the Swadian resistance against the Vaegirs and Rhodoks, and the Count is heavily committed to ridding his land of these rebels.

(Purple) Count of Vyincourd

The land and holdings of the count of Vyincourd A loose collection of military seizures and well-placed purchases, the County of Vyincourd is spread thin and wide across the banks of the Lvenn. Home to most of Uxkhal Duchy's vineyards and olive groves, Vyincourd is a wonderful and very pretty land. In Vyincourd can also be found the ancient Calradic bastion of Aldis, under which a small town of tents and pavilions has sprung up. Here, refugees from Dhirim and soldiers employed to both the duke and the count have encamped, and massive feasts, tourneys and other distractions are held and hosted daily in an attempt to entertain the growing host. The count has recently employed the Company of the Golden Finger for an undisclosed reasoning.

(Dark Red) Count of Nomar

The lands and holdings of the count of Nomar The small stretch of land owned and managed by the impoverished Count of Nomar is neither rich nor particularly prosperous. The key source of income for the count, two mines found in differing and very inconvenient areas of the county, are just enough to help the lords of Nomar Castle to rocket themselves out of the monetary debt they dug themselves into during the Second Vaegir Invasion. What few fields or ale and wood manufacturing facilities that can be found dotting the county are owned by an entrenched group of landowning families, which rarely if ever have proven willing to give up their supposed rights.

(Light Green) Baron of Bracca

The lands and holdings of the baron of Bracca Nominally sworn to the Duke of Veluca, the small, arid, rocky and poor land of the Baron of Bracca is barely able to provide the barons with the funds needed to maintain his estates. As such, the baron has been forced to make up for this by enforcing Rhodok trade dominance in the region - upping the tolls on both river-bound trade and the caravans full of weapons, spices and other goods headed north. Much like in Nomar County, Bracca is home to a handful of old-blood landowning bourgeoisie families that control the few and scantly placed resources in the region.

(Yellow) Krenn 4 scenario and town Nomar

The local lords

Theophilus de Linard

Duke of Uxkhal

His Grace, The Lord Theophilus de Linard, Duke of Uxkhal and Count of Yaragar

An influential, wealthy and much respected man - Delinard, Duke of Uxkhal is a man much renowned for his pomp, ceremonial splendor, love of the antiquities and the study and attempted rejuvenation of all things old. He has remarried three times with the blessing of the Archpatriarch of Dhirim, who has now begun setting up shop in Uxkhal and thus has grown rather fond of his ducal host, and is often the talk of all the ladies in the realm. Delinard and his family are members of the Harlaus de Uxkhal branch of the royal family, related to King Harlaus by a common great grandfather. Delinard has few interests in making a claim for the throne, however, wishing instead to pursue his unambitious projects of self-aggrandization. Delinard carries for his banner rose peddles, occasionally portrayed with the royal lion but typically on a green or white field.

Talbar Aldrini the Younger

Count of Ergellon

His Lordship, The Lord Talbar Aldrini the Younger, Count of Ergellon

The young and much aggrieved Count Talbar has had his father, Count Talbar the Elder, stolen from him. He has been left, a single child with no family but his mother, to defend himself, his family fortunes and his lands and estates from the encroaching arm of the greedy and encroaching armies of Grunwalder. Ever since the older of the two Talbars was murdered during what was meant to be a peaceful parley between the Counties of Ergellon and Grunwalder, the familial feud between the two regions has been raging harder than ever before. Dozens of men wind up dead every day as the troops of the two counts scour the forests and hills that split the two counties for one another. Talbar the Younger has oft been described as a puppet to the schemes and plots of the influential merchant families in Ergellon City - among which the Doggetts come to mind as the most affluent. The Talbar swan flies proudly on a sea of dark blue, yet as a sign of grief and respect to his late father, most of the banners in Ergellon have been replaced with black ones.

Gharmall of Grunwalder

Count of Grunwalder

His Lordship, The Lord Gharmall of Grunwalder, Count of Grunwalder

An aging man, having seen more battle than anyone in Veluca combined, Gharmall is both feared and respected by his noble peers. His acclaimed piety and supposed just nature have helped shape his image as a cold, hard and vicious man - unwilling to bend in the face of any danger. The ancient familial feud with Ergellon has only grown in scale and violence under Gharmall's reign as count, yet he himself rarely leaves his fortress castle - sending out his three fearsome sons to wreak havoc on the Ergellite countryside. Gharmall is said to have recently taken a liking to a Sarranid merchant's wife in Grunwalder, and he has recently lost much of his popularity following the clergy's disassociation with the count. Grunwalder County is slowly spiraling further and further into debt, ruin and disaster as its countryside is ravaged by bandits and outlaws. The future is not bright for Gharmall of Grunwalder.

Count of Tshibitin

Count of Tshibitin

His Lordship, The Most August Lord Zephon Attalini, Count of Tshibitin

Harsh, strong and determined - Count Attalini is feared by the Velucans and Swadians and respected by his fellow Jelkalans. His distant relation to the king affords him enough respect as is, yet his resounding victory against the Swadian border armies at the Battle of Yaragar and the subsequent fallout of the crushing defeat suffered by the Swadians would bring Zephon titles, wealth and most importantly - a permanent place in the Court of Jelkala. The war might have ended officially, however the ragged remains of the defeated Swadian army and the bands and retinues of rogue noblemen would prove more than a challenge for Attalini. He currently is waging war against the rebel leader Margrave Henri d'Arvella. Attalini's banner is a black bear on a field of yellow.

Written by Warwick and Tanaa